Wholesale Cigars

Wholesale Cigars 101: Your Complete Guide

January 20, 20253 min read

Wholesale cigars offer an excellent opportunity for cigar enthusiasts, retailers, and event planners to access premium cigars at discounted rates. Whether you’re stocking up for a personal collection, starting a cigar business, or organizing a special event, understanding the ins and outs of the wholesale cigar market can save you time and money. In this guide, we’ll explore how wholesale cigars work, key strategies for purchasing, and tips for finding the best deals while ensuring quality.

Wholesale Cigars

What Are Wholesale Cigars?

Wholesale cigars are cigars sold in bulk quantities at a discounted price. This pricing model is ideal for businesses, retailers, and enthusiasts looking to save money while purchasing larger quantities. It allows for significant cost savings and ensures a steady supply of cigars, making it a popular choice for cigar lounges, resellers, and avid collectors who appreciate both quality and affordability:

  • Retailers: To stock their shelves with a variety of cigar options for customers.

  • Event Planners: To provide cigars for weddings, corporate events, or parties.

  • Personal Enthusiasts: To build a diverse and cost-effective cigar collection.

By purchasing in bulk, buyers often benefit from lower per-unit costs compared to retail pricing.

Benefits of Buying Cigars Wholesale

Buying Cigars Wholesale
  1. Cost Savings:

    • Wholesale pricing significantly reduces the cost per cigar, making it ideal for frequent smokers or businesses.

  2. Wide Selection:

    • Wholesalers often stock a variety of brands, sizes, and flavors, giving you access to diverse options.

  3. Convenience:

    • Buying in bulk means fewer trips to the store or repeated online orders.

  4. Customizable Orders:

    • Many wholesalers offer custom bundles tailored to your preferences or business needs.

How to Find Reliable Wholesale Cigar Suppliers

Finding a trustworthy supplier is crucial to ensuring quality and value. Here are some tips:

  1. Research Online Marketplaces:

    • Platforms like CigarBid, Cigar International, and dedicated wholesale cigar sites offer extensive collections.

  2. Check Certifications:

    • Ensure the supplier is authorized to sell authentic cigars from reputable brands.

  3. Read Reviews:

    • Look for customer testimonials and ratings to gauge reliability.

  4. Compare Prices:

    • Don’t settle for the first quote. Compare multiple suppliers to find the best deal.

  5. Visit Local Distributors:

    • Local cigar shops or distributors might offer wholesale pricing for bulk purchases.

Tips for Purchasing Wholesale Cigars

  1. Start Small:

    • If you’re new to wholesale buying, start with smaller quantities to test quality and service.

  2. Understand Your Needs:

    • Determine whether you need cigars for personal use, resale, or events to select the right quantity and types.

  3. Negotiate Discounts:

    • Many wholesalers offer additional discounts for larger orders or repeat customers.

  4. Inspect for Quality:

    • Look for even wrappers, proper humidity, and consistent construction to ensure quality.

  5. Store Properly:

    • Invest in a humidor to maintain the freshness and flavor of your bulk purchase.

Frequently Asked Questions About Wholesale Cigars

1. Can individuals buy wholesale cigars, or is it only for businesses?

  • Individuals can often purchase wholesale cigars, especially from online platforms, though some suppliers may have minimum order requirements.

2. Are wholesale cigars lower in quality?

  • No, wholesale cigars are typically the same high-quality products sold individually at retail prices.

3. What’s the best way to store bulk cigars?

  • Use a humidor with consistent humidity levels (65-70%) and a temperature of around 70°F.

4. Can I mix and match cigars in a wholesale order?

  • Many suppliers offer customizable bundles, allowing you to mix different brands, sizes, and flavors.

How Wholesale Cigars Benefit Retailers

For cigar shop owners or online retailers, wholesale cigars provide a profitable way to stock inventory. By purchasing in bulk, retailers can:

Wholesale Cigars Benefit Retailers

  • Offer competitive prices to customers.

  • Expand product variety with minimal upfront costs.

  • Increase profit margins by taking advantage of bulk discounts.

How Wholesale Cigars Benefit Personal Enthusiasts

Buying cigars wholesale isn’t just for businesses. Personal enthusiasts can enjoy:

  • A well-stocked collection for different occasions.

  • Significant cost savings over time.

  • Access to exclusive deals and limited-edition cigars.


Wholesale cigars are a cost-effective and convenient way to enjoy premium cigars, whether you’re a retailer, event planner, or personal enthusiast. By following the tips and strategies in this guide, you can confidently navigate the wholesale cigar market and find the best options to meet your needs.

Ready to explore wholesale cigars? Start your search today and elevate your cigar experience while saving money.

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